c) Dante

Armour, Peter, "Dante's Brunetto: the Paternal Paterine", Italian Studies 38 (1983), pp. 1-38
Argues sin of Brunetto was heresy not sodomy
Kay, Richard, "The Sin of Brunetto Latini", Medieval Studies 31 (1969), pp. 262-286
Kay, Richard, "Dante's Unnatural Lawyer: Fancesco D"accusro in Inferno XV", Studia Gratiana 15 (1972), pp. 149-200
Suggests Inferno XV is not about sodomy, but other forms of "unnaturalness". This would mean Dante put no one in hell for sodomy.
Mussetter, Sally, "`Ritornare a lo suo principio': Dante and the Sin of Brunetto Latini", Philological Quarterly 63:4 (1984), pp. 431-448
Pezard, Andre, Dante sous la pluie de feu, (Paris: Librarie philosophique J. Vien, 1950)
Radcliff-Umstead, Douglas, "Erotic Sin in the Divine Comedy", in Human Sexuality in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, ed. D. Radcliff-Umstead, (Pittsburgh: Univ. of Pittsburgh Publications on the Middle Ages and Renaissance, 1978), pp. 41-96
Symonds, John Addington, "The Dantesque and Platonic Ideals of Love", (excerpts) in Hidden Heritage: History and the Gay Imagination: An Anthology, ed. Byrne R.S. Fone, (New York: Avocation Publishers, 1980)
Verschuer, U.F. von, "Die Homosexuelle in Dante's Gottlicher Komodie", Jahrbuch fur Sexuelle Zwischenstufen 7 (1906), pp. 353-363
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