A: General

Adam, Barry D., The Rise of a Gay and Lesbian Movement, 2nd ed. (Boston: Twayne, 1995; 1st ed. 1987)
Good textbook. Main concern is modern period. Discusses some theoretical issues
Aldrich. R.,The Seduction of the Mediterranean: Writing, Art and Homosexual Fantasy (Routledge 1993)
About modern homosexual intellectuals - from Winckelman on - and their obsession with the liberation offered by Mediterranean cultures.
Arguelles, Lourdes & B. Ruby Rich, "Homosexuality, Homophobia, and Revolution", Signs 9:4 (1984)
Atkinson, Ti-Grace, "Lesbianism and Feminism" in Phyllis Buckley et al, eds., Amazon Expedition, (Washington, N.J.: Times Change Press, 1973)
Baldurson, Guthni, "From Sexual Abberration to Sexual Inversion", in IGA Pink Book, edited by the International Gay Association, (Amsterdam: COC-magazijn, 1985)
Binhammer, Katherine. "The Sex Panic of the 1790s." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:3 (1996): 409-34.
Bland, Lucy and Laura Doan, editors. Sexology Uncensored: The Documents of Sexual Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998 -[from the blurb]
..brings together, for the first time, many of the key documents of the modern science of sexuality that emerged in the late nineteenth century. The extracts (which date from the 1880s to the 1940s) cover a variety of topics including gender and sexual difference; homosexuality; transsexuality and bisexuality; heterosexuality; marriage and sex manuals; reproductive control; eugenics; race; and various sexual proclivities.
Bland, Lucy and Laura Doan, editors. Sexology in Culture: Labelling Bodies and Desires. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998
[from the blurb] The key founders of sexology, the "science of desire," were Havelock Ellis, Richard von Krafft-Ebing, and Magnus Hirschfeld. This volume examines the impact of their writings on English-speaking culture from the 1880s to the early 1940s. How influential a field was sexology during this period, and how much power did sexologists wield? What was the impact of their work on popular and official attitudes to sex?
Bleys, Rudi C., The Geography of Perversion: Male-To-Male Sexual Behaviour Outside the West and the Ethnographic Imagination, 1750-1918, (New York: New York University Press, 1995)
[from the blurb] A thorough, cross-cultural history of sexual categories, focusing on such subjects as puritanism, sodomy, and ethnicity in colonial North America; cross-gender behavior and hermaphroditism; and the semiotics of genitalia. The author also demonstrates that representation of cultural"otherness," as found in European thought from the Enlightenment through modern times, is closely related to modern constructions of homosexual identity.
Bronski, Micheal, Culture Clash - The making of gay sensibility, (Boston (USA), South End Press, 1984)
Burton, Richard, "Terminal Essay, Part IV, Social Conditions - Pederasty", in The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, 10 vols., (privately printed, 1886), Vol 10, pp. 205-254
Burton thinks homosexual acts are endemic between 30 and 43 degrees latitude.
Chauncey, Jr., George, "From Sexual Inversion to Homosexuality: The Changing Medical Conceptualization of Female `Deviance'," in Passion and Power: Sexuality in History, ed. Kathy Peiss and Christina Simmons with Robert A. Padgug, (Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1989),87-117.
Cooper, Emmanuel, The Sexual Perspective: Homosexuality and Art in the Last 100 Years in the West, 2nd ed., (New York: Routledge, 1994)
De Jongh, Nicholas, Not in Front of the Audience: Homosexuality on Stage, (New York: Routledge, 1992)
Faderman, Lilian, Surpassing the Love of Men, (New York: William Morrow, 1981)
History of Lesbians based on literary sources.
Gill, John, Queer Noises : Male and Female Homosexuality in Twentieth Century Music, Minneapolis: Univ of Minnesota Press, 1995)
Hausman, Bernice L. "Demanding Subjectivity: Transsexualism, Medicine, and the Technologies of Gender." Journal of the History of Sexuality 3:2 (1992): 270-302.
Hewitt, Andrew, Political Inversions : Homosexuality, Fascism, & the Modernist Imaginary, Stanford CA: Stanford Univ Press, 1996)
IGA Pink Book, edited by the International Gay Association, (Amsterdam: COC-magazijn, 1985)
Contemparary Gay Life in countries around the world: Legal position, social expectations etc.
Irvine, Janice M. "Reinventing Perversion: Sex Addiction and Cultural Anxieties." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:3 (1995): 429-50.
Parikas, Udo, and Teet Veispak, Sexual minorities and society : the changing attitudes toward homosexuality in the 20th century Europe; papers presented to the international conference in Tallinn, May 28-30, 1990, (Talinn, Estonia: Eesti TA Ajaloo Instituut, 1991)
Plummer, Ken, ed. Modern Homosexualities: Fragments of Lesbian and Gay Experiences, (New York: Routledge, 1993)
Peiss, Kathy, and Christina Simmons with Robert A. Padgug, eds., Passion and Power: Sexuality in History, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989),87-117.

American history.
Robb, George. "The Way of All Flesh: Degeneration, Eugenics, and the Gospel of Free Love." Journal of the History of Sexuality 6:4 (1996): 589-603.
Snitow, Ann, Christin Stansell, and Sharon Thompson, eds, Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality, (New York: 1983)
Contains a number of classic articles.
Somerville, Siobhan. "Scientific Racism and the Emergence of the Homosexual Body." Journal of the History of Sexuality 5:2 (1994): 243-66.
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