E: Spain/Iberia
Anabarbite Rivas, Hector and Ricardo Lorenzo Sanz, Homosexualidad: el asunto esta caliente, (Madrid: Queimada, 1979)
Looks at data from the Inquisition and then modern Spanish gay movement.
Blackmore Josiah and Gregory S. Hutcheson, eds., Queer Iberia: Crossing Cultures, Crossing Sexualities. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, Forthcoming [998?])

Josiah Blackmore, "The Poets of Sodom";
Benjamin Liu, " 'Affined to love the Moor' : Sexual Misalliance and Cultural Mixing in the Cantigas d'escarnho e de mal dizer";
Roberto Gonzalez-Casanovas, "Male Bonding in Texts of Alfonso X, Ramon Llull, and Juan Manuel: Cultural Constructions of Homosocial Friendship in Medieval Iberia";
Catherine Brown, "Queer Representation in the Arcipreste de Talavera, Or, the maldezir de mugeres is a Drag";
Daniel Eisenberg, "Juan Ruiz's Heterosexual 'Good Love'";
Louise O. Vasvari, "The Semiotics of Phallic Aggression and Anal Penetration as Male Agonistic Ritual in the Libro de buen amor";
Michael Solomon, "Fictions of Infection: Diseasing the Sexual Other in Francesc Eiximenis's Lo llibre de les dones";
Sara Lipton, " 'Tanquam effeminatum' : Pedro II of Aragon and the Gendering of Heresy in the Albigensian Crusade";
Gregory S. Hutcheson, "Desperately Seeking Sodom: The Nature of Queerness in the Chronicles of Don Alvaro de Luna";
Barbara Weissberger, " '!A tierra, puto!': Alfonso de Palencia's Discourse of Effeminacy";
E. Michael Gerli, "Dismembering the Body Politic: Vile Bodies and Sexual Underworlds in Celestina";
Linde Brocato, " 'Tened por espejo su fin' : Mapping Gender and Sex in 15th- and 16th-Century Spain";
Israel Burshatin, "Written on the Body: Slave or Hermaphrodite in 16th-Century Spain";
Mary Elizabeth Perry, "From Convent to Battlefield: Cross-Dressing and Gendering the Self in the New World of Imperial Spain"

Carrasco, Rafael, Inquisicion y represion sexual en Valencia : historia de los sodomitas, 1565-1785,. (Barcelona : Laertes, 1985)
Bunch, Charlotte, Passionate Politics, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987) Pp. 168-173 on a 17th century Spanish Lesbian nun.
Mott, Luiz, and Aroldo Assuncao, "Love's Labors Lost: Five Letters from a Seventeenth Century Portuguese Sodomite" in Kent Gerard and Gert Hekma, eds., The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Englightenment Europe, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989) also issued as Journal of Homosexuality 16:1/2 (1988)), 91-104
The oldest homoerotic love letters in a European vernacular - sent by the sacristan of Silves Cathedral in 1664. Preserved courtesy of the inquisition.
Perry, Mary Elizabeth, Crime and Society in Early Modern Seville, (Hanover NH: University Presses of New England, 1980)
The spectacle of over 300 sodomites burned to death, and an account by Pedro de Leon, who attended them beforehand. See chapter six for Catalina de Erauso, the "nun-lieutenant" of 17th-century Spain, who said that she had used a concoction to dry up her breasts after she ran away from the convent so that she could live as a man.
Perry, Mary Elizabeth, "The Manly Woman," American Behavioral Scientist 31:1 (Sept-Oct 1987)(special issue on New Gender Scholarship: Breaking Old Boundaries, edited by Harry Brod and Walter Williams).
Perry, Mary Elizabeth, "The 'Neferious Sin' in Early Modern Seville" in Kent Gerard and Gert Hekma, eds., The Pursuit of Sodomy: Male Homosexuality in Renaissance and Englightenment Europe, (New York: Harrington Park Press, 1989) also issued as Journal of Homosexuality 16:1/2 (1988)), 67-90
Unlike Italy, where secular governments ran the sodomy prosecutions, in Spain the Inquisition was in charge. This is a statistical account from 17th century Seville.
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